
Enterprise best practices to expose and secure microservices and APIs

Sep 10 9:00 am PT | 6:00 pm CEST

About this webinar

The reality of IT today is that modern applications and services must coexist with legacy systems that were never designed with the cloud-native era in mind. The data that’s held within those systems represents unrealized opportunities for business growth. How to unlock it while still providing the level of data security that enterprises, partners, and customers demand?

In this webinar, we’ll explore ways in which Traefik can help securely expose enterprise data via APIs and microservices. Traefik is a modern, cloud-native endpoint router that acts as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and much more. Its pluggable middleware components make it possible to route requests through a seamless security layer that locks down access without requiring any modifications to legacy code.

You’ll learn how Traefik can help secure your data, both on its own and in conjunction with Okta, a leading identity and access management platform for apps, logins, and devices. Among the topics we’ll discuss are:

  • Deploying mutual TLS (mTLS) to enable secure communications between authorized entities with HTTPS encryption
  • Enhancing user login security with Okta, OAuth, and OpenID Connect to establish federated authentication and single sign-on (SSO)
  • And more...

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